Thursday, October 21, 2010

Architecture Rendering 2

Another 3D rendering from my last semester final project. The Barwon Ridge Winery, Geelong, Australia. The site is located quite far from everywhere but it has a really nice view everywhere you look around. Here is some pictures that I love the most. I still have a lot 2D & 2D drawings as well and don't be wrong, I love it all!!! But it would be taking forever to upload it though...hahaha...

Bar table from barrels in open-air cafe
Picture during night time

Barrel storage area at the underground

View from beside the wine making area through the restaurant

Top view

Front view

Interior of the restaurant

O ya...these are also a piece of work with more sleepless night!!! I was really devastating that time and even more than the current one. Thank God it was over...hahaha...

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